Pencil Us In

Pencil Us In 63 - Happy Birthday Superman, pt 2

Su Lara and Philip Bozynski Episode 63

In which we discuss the origins and debut of the Man of Steel himself, Superman! Last time, we talked about how DC/National got to the verge of publishing Action Comics #1. Now we discuss how the creators of Superman (Siegel and Shuster) got there and how things went down afterwards! THERE WILL BE MORE ON THIS TOPIC!

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So, what sources did we use?  Check em!

 Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book (Basic Books)
NOTE: This book provided a lot of the background information I used. I know some stuff in there is disputed. I supplemented with info in other sources, particularly in regards to Major Wheeler-Nicholson.
FURTHER NOTE: The author of this book, Gerard Jones, has been convicted of possession of child pornography. My copy of the book came from a library sale done some years before his arrest and subsequent conviction. 

We also read some cool magazines with articles and stuff!  Wanna know which ones?

 Alter Ego (TwoMorrows Publishing): 27, 56, 79, 88, 98 

What comics did we cover for our topic?  Take a look!

Action Comics (DC): 1-40
Superman (DC): 1-11
New York World's Fair Comics (DC): 1939, 1940 (There was a 1939 and 1940 edition of this book.
World's Best Comics (DC): 1
World's Finest Comics (DC): 2-3