Pencil Us In

Pencil Us Inventory 11 - We're Back (A Dinosaur's Story)

Su Lara and Philip Bozynski

There are probably a couple people (2 or 3 of you at least) wondering what happened.  I'll tell you: Work.

Su has a new job. I have the same job. I just have even less time than before because this job demands all my attention. Simply put, we've been busy with other things besides comics and research. I didn't say this was an amazing excuse, it's just the way things have been.

Fortunately, I think we're approaching a time when I'm not spending like 60 hours a week doing work stuff (I exaggerate, but only slightly). What does this mean? I think it means we're back!

Well, back with more this month. We're still keeping the biweekly schedule we went with some time back. Good news is that more than this paltry offering is in the works!  Keep your eyes on the feed!  It'll have newer stuff soon!  Promise!